Monday, February 22, 2010

To My Sister

I would just like to dedicate this post to my sister, Lily. While I recognize the content is a little out of place, this is important to me. Wednesday morning, February 17th Lily and her shipmate's Tall Ship sank 300 miles off the coast of Brazil. In a ship that has circumnavigated the world and traveled hundreds of miles through rough seas this was the last event these students and crew could have expected. In life rafts my sister and her crew awaited rescue for 38 hours and were finally picked up by a passing chinese freighter heading to Argentina's coast. It was Saturday February 20th when the kids reached land. Extremely exhausted and ready to come home, please keep my sister in your thoughts.

S&T Inspiration Design Posters, Frank Chimero

These inspirational design posters by Frank Chimero are very simple, much like the content of the poster. The statements are basic concepts of typographic knowledge and graphic design. I like the simplicity of the presentation.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Show & Tell Feb. 15

Michelle Smith's of North Carolina Bain Project poster. This is a great example of how hierarchy influences a group of text.

Also, Really awesome, geeky way for a designer's love for photography to shine in their home...I really like the eclectic choices of fonts, colors, and sizes

Monday, February 8, 2010

Letter Project Sketches

Show & Tell featuring Mikey Burton

I love printmaking and Mikey Burton's posters are done stylistically like a printmaking series i did in high school. I really like how in both images the text is part of and consumed by the image on the poster itself.